a-zoone Shipping and Delivery Policy

Last updated: May 25, 2022

Thank you for choosing a-zoone for your shopping. Kindly review our shipping policy

All our shipping is FREE Standard shipping.

So how does our Shipping work?

a-zoone.com works with manufacturers across the world in order to provide you with the coolest products at the best possible price.

As a result, our orders are shipped from countries across the globe – from Asia to the US and Us to EU. Although, we do ensure that we can track your order to give you that extra measure of security.

In most cases, we take the following time to deliver:

  • 5-14 days to the US
  • 5-20 days to the Europe and UK 
  • 2-5 weeks to the rest of the world

This means you won’t have to worry if the product doesn’t arrive the next day! Although we are most likely to have your product arrive quicker than expected, this is completely beyond our control.

You are welcome to contact us with any questions about delivery

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